



Featured project: School of International Futures


Policy-makers and business leaders make better decisions when informed by strategic foresight, resulting in greater prosperity, security and well-being. Foresight provides a way of addressing uncertainties associated with demographic, environmental, economic and resource challenges, and the increasing interconnectedness of societies and nations.


Catarina Tully co-founded The School of International Futures (SOIF) in 2012. SOIf helps governments and other organisations work towards such goals, informed by the art and science of strategic foresight. It develops international networks and partnerships that allow diverse organisations to imagine the future together. It is now in its third year.


To find out more, visit the SOIF website.




     Researching and publishing articles




     Participating as speaker at events



   Current work

     Strategic consulting and training



How to stop London burning again this summer

One year on from the riots: ‘Mending broken Britain’. Chatham House article with NHJ Strategic colleagues.


NHJ letters included in the Telegraph and the Times

Our letter, titled “The Next Disaster”, was printed in the Saturday edition of The Telegraph.



Interview with Paul Krugman

Krugman sends UK to the bottom of the Class.


Submission to the Foreign Affairs Committee 2011 inquiry: ‘The Role of the FCO in Government’

The challenge facing foreign ministries globally.


Interview by Die Strategiemanufaktur

Interview on international strategy and the future of diplomatic services in the 21st century.





In February spoke about "Security in a global context - international drivers to 2020" at the City Security and Resilience Network’s annual conference ‘20 : 20 Vision Business Security for the Next Decade’.



In January at the Second Oxford University and Transparency International UK Anti-Corruption Conference: presented work on "corruption and social networks as drivers of the Arab Spring" at Centre for the Study of Governance and Transparency, Kellogg College, University of Oxford.



In April, ASAP conference, building on last year's response to the project ‘Giving what we can’ at UK launch of Academics Stand Against Poverty. Related story.



In March/April presented papers on ‘Social media and North Africa’ and ‘Women in Foreign Policy’ plus chair and respondent on panels around diplomacy, democracy and social media at the International Studies Association 2012 in San Diego. 






Specialist Adviser to the Public Administration Select Committee

Specialist Adviser to the Public Administration Select Committee for the 10 month long Parliamentary Inquiry on the UK's Strategic Capability.


US National Intelligence Council paper on:

"The role of social media in the North Africa political movements: Beyond the Hype and the Scepticism."


US National Intelligence Council paper on:

"Governance trends 2030" and "Democracy 2.0" 



Strategy Training courses:

Run various National School of Government and bespoke half day to one week strategy courses for senior officials and political advisers from UK Departments, Commonwealth countries, Afghanistan, International Organisations, etc.


External Adviser to the Royal College of Defence Studies, WHISPER Strategy Network

a personal network that links senior officials across UK government. Strategic in perspective, it covers issues well beyond the traditional remit of the defence and security community.